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22.10.2024, âòîðíèê. Ìîñêîâñêîå âðåìÿ 19:43

English > Library > CEC Resolutions

Resolutions of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation

Report of the Central Election Commission of Russia at the Meeting with the Representatives of Moscow, 27 July 1999
Appendix To the Regulation of the CEC of RF Dated January 6, 2000 No. 66/766-3
On Clarifications of Certain Issues Related to the Application of Articles 45, 47 and 64 of the Federal Law «On the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation» on the Payment of Electoral Deposits Needed to Register Candidates Nominated in Single-Mandate Electoral Districts, and Federal Lists of Candidates
Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Excerpt from the minutes of the meeting
Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Resolution of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation Resolution No. 15/114-3, September 21, 1999
List of all-russian political public associations as of January 1, 1999.
The purpose of this letter is to draw the attention of all-Russian political public associations and election officials from the ranks of electoral association representatives to certain questions relating to formation and operation of electoral blocs in the election of deputies of the State Duma.
Clarification of the Rules for the Activity of Foreign (International) Observers During the Election of Deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of Third Convocation
Publication of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation


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