
Последние три столетия к России относились таким образом: большие, упорные и не до конца понятные. Вроде бы хотят развиваться по тем законам, по которым развивается Европа, европейская цивилизация, но кто его знает, куда их занесет? Дмитрий Медведев


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Яндекс цитирования

22.10.2024, вторник. Московское время 19:43


Chapter X. Final and Transitional Provisions

Article 46. Entry Into Force of This Federal Law

Article 47. Transformation of All-Russian Political Public Associations and the Status of Interregional, Regional and Local Political Public Associations

Article 48. Bringing Statutory Acts In Line With This Federal Law

Article 46. Entry Into Force of This Federal Law

1. This Federal Law shall enter into force from the day of its official publication, except for Article 33 and Clause 1 of Article 36. Article 33 of this Federal Law shall enter into force not later than January 1, 2004. Clause 1, Article 36 of this Federal Law shall enter into force two years after official publication of this Federal Law.

2. Articles 6 and 9 of the USSR Law "On Public Associations" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, No. 42, 1990, Item 839) effective until now are hereby declared invalid in the territory of the Russian Federation (as regards the provisions relating to political parties).

Article 47. Transformation of All-Russian Political Public Associations and the Status of Interregional, Regional and Local Political Public Associations

1. All-Russian political public associations created prior to the entry into force of this Federal Law may transform into political parties in conformity with this Federal Law within two years of the date on which it enters into force.

2. Before expiration of the period established in Clause 1 of this Article, All-Russian political public associations may participate in elections and nominate candidates (lists of candidates) for deputies and for other elective offices in bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government in accordance with the electoral laws

3. Before expiration of the period established by Clause 1 of this Article, a political party created by way of transformation of an All-Russian political public organization or an All-Russian political public movement may participate in elections from the date of state registration of the political party.

4. Pending introduction of modifications in the Russian Federation laws concerning the procedure for participation of political parties in elections to the federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government, political parties shall participate in the said elections in the procedure established by the Russian Federation laws with respect to All-Russian political public associations.

5. Upon expiration of the period established by Clause 1 of this Article, an All-Russian political public association which has not transformed into a political party, shall lose the status of a political public association and shall act as an All-Russian public organization or an All-Russian public movement on the basis of the statutes which shall be applicable in so far as they do not contradict this Federal Law.

6. Upon expiration of the period established by Clause 1 of this Article, the interregional, regional and local political public associations shall lose the status of a political public association and shall act as interregional, regional or local public associations, respectively, on the basis of their statutes which shall be applicable in so far as they do not contradict this Federal Law.

Article 48. Bringing Statutory Acts In Line With This Federal Law

The President of the Russian Federation shall be asked and the Government of the Russian Federation shall be instructed to bring their statutory acts in line with this Federal Law.

President of the Russian Federation
V. Putin



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